Wednesday, April 28, 2010

To do Today

I've been thinking a lot about Narcissism in the past few days. Why? It probably has something to do with my obsession with productivity.

When I get up in the morning, the first few things I think of are what my needs and wants are. "What do I want to do today," or "what do I want for breakfast," or "what should I wear." I realize that this is usually normal activity; however it really is narcissistic in nature. Why aren't my initial thoughts.. "How can I make a difference in someone's life today?"

The reason that this has come to my attention is because of my To-Do list. I try and make one everyday and get most (if not all) of it accomplished. I can get so bogged down on being productive that I often forget about enjoying myself in the process. What is the point then?? Even if I do cross off everything on my To-Do list, I'm hardly satisfied. Hmm, "Now what?" What did I accomplish besides a few important things? Were they even that important?

What are we all doing with our lives when it comes to our To-Do lists?

If (when) I make one tomorrow, the first thing I hope it will say is to challenge myself in a way I've never done a way that will help someone else. Sounds cheesy, but whatever.

I'm going to go finish mine..before I have a panic attack

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya! I need my To-Do list or I feel sooo disorganized and scrambled. I also like keeping them and looking back. I cant tell you what I did Oct. 14th, 2008
