I recently acquired
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, a book that I've aspired to read for quite some time. I was perusing the aisles of
Green Apple when I noticed this book sitting on one of the higher shelves. It was in the "Self-Help" section, which was a ironic considering that was the last thing I needed at the moment..
Hmm, self help? I hesitated before walking over to the section. I didn't want the regulars/employees of Green Apple to think I was a crazy person, which would have been a problem considering the fact that I go to Green Apple on a daily basis (thank you unemployment!)

"Whatever," I breathed. Who the hell cares. I'm already a crazy person anyway.
Fast forward to today when, after leaving Green Apple, I decided to take a little coffee break down the street. There, I opened up my 1980 edition of
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. And it was there that I read these wise words:
"On the maturity continuum, dependence is the paradigm of you-you take care of me; you come through for me; you didn't come through; I blame you for the results.
Independence is the paradigm of I-I can do it; I am responsible; I am self-reliant; I can choose.
Interdependence is the paradigm of we-we can do it; we can cooperate; we can combine our talents and abilities and create something greater together.
Dependent people needs others to get what they want. Independent people can get what they want through their own effort. Interdependent people combine their own efforts with the efforts of others to achieve their greatest success.
If I were physically dependent-paralyzed or disabled or limited in some physical way-I would need you to help me. If I were emotionally dependent, my sense of worth and security would come from your opinion of me. If you didn't like me, it could be devastating. If I were intellectually dependent, I would count on you to do my thinking for me, to think through the issues and problems of my life.
If I were independent, physically, I could pretty well make it on my own. Mentally, I could think my own thoughts, I could move from one level of abstraction to another. I could think creatively and analytically and organize and express my thoughts in understandable ways. Emotionally, I would be validated form within. I would be inner directed. My sense of worth would not be a function of being liked or treated well."