Wednesday, September 22, 2010

simple words

"Find ecstasy in life; 
the mere sense of living
is joy enough."

-Emily Dickinson

Monday, September 13, 2010

an Italian beginning..

Oh my goodness, I have been horrible about keeping up with the blogs.  It seems that there are always things that I should be doing instead of enjoying a little writing time...  Isn't that ironic?  Why shouldn't we always be enjoying ourselves?

Speaking of that, I did find a infinitesimal amount of down time today, which was gladly spent in Italian class.  My mom and I went to our first class at Santa Barbara City College.  We almost didn't go, mostly because we were too lazy to park, buy a parking permit, and walk up the (extremely steep) hill.  But alas, we knew it had to be done. 

Once getting to the Humanities building, we trudged into our classroom.  I was a little surprised to find a our tutor, as he appeared to be about 15 years old.  Not to mention he looked more Americanized than me.

We began immediately.  Oh my god-I didn't know anything.  I immediately regretted coming to class.  This was so silly.  Maybe taking a quick break from class to buy the book was necessary.  After all, I didn't feel exactly 100% comfortable sharing a book with the stranger sitting next to me.

Coffee break?  Yes please.

To make a long story short for sake of time here, my mom and I sounded a little rusty.  That might be an understatement...BUT we did manage to put a few words together to make just a baby bit of Italian sense.  It will be an interesting semester, needless to say.

My studying starts tonight.  Vino might be necessary.